フェイスワークを集団内の相互作用から捉える : 日本語学習者に対する PAC分析から見えてきたもの


  • Facework from the perspectives of interactions between members : a case study of a Japanese language classroom by PAC analysis
  • フェイスワーク オ シュウダンナイ ノ ソウゴ サヨウ カラ トラエル ニホンゴ ガクシュウシャ ニ タイスル PAC ブンセキ カラ ミエテキタ モノ
  • フェイス ワーク オ シュウダン ナイ ノ ソウゴ サヨウ カラ トラエル ニッポンゴ ガクシュウシャ ニ タイスル PAC ブンセキ カラ ミエテ キタ モノ




The purpose of this study is to investigate how facework is related to interactions between members. The participants were international students in a Japanese language classroom. To clarify the group structure of the class members, MDS (multi-dimensional scaling) was employed. Moreover, the PAC (Personal Attitude Construct) method was used in order to examine participants' interpretations of themselves, their classmates and the class to which they belonged. From this study the following three findings became evident: 1) The formation of the group structure is related to the symbols created by the interaction between members. 2) The formation of the group structure and the symbols are related to members' interpretations of themselves, their classmates and the class to which they belonged. 3) Interpretations of the symbols depend on each of the members, and are related to facework. More research should be conducted to explore how the symbols are created by the interaction between members, and are related to facework.




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