

  • A Proposal on an Evaluation Method towards the Development of a Human Interface with Less Visual Fatigue
  • シカクケイ ヒロウ ノ スクナイ ヒューマンインタフェース カイハツ ニ ムケタヒョウカホウ ノ テイアン
  • ユーザビリティ




In order to obtain a guideline for designing low-workload Human Interface (HI). We investigated assessment of visual fatigue induced by performing an interactive task as a model of HI software on personal computers utilizing measurement of Event Related Potentials (ERP) and accommodation. The ERP were measured in this study before and after a visual target detection task in healthy adult participants to assess visual fatigue of the central nervous system. As an index of accommodation, the ophthalmic near point was also measured using an accomodometer. As the experimental task, participants were instructed to click designated targets from a randomly arranged matrix of characters for one hour. All participants reported symptoms of visual fatigue after the task. From the averaged ERP waveform, P100 and P300 components were detected and their amplitudes and peak latencies were analyzed. Amplitude of the P100 component measured after performing the task was larger than that in the control condition. Near points after the task increased in comparison with those before the task. Results indicated that visual fatigue by the experimental task evoked both eye-strain and altered function of the primary visual cortex. Feasibility of applying the present method to a low-workload software development is discussed.


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