Type Inference for Ruby Programs Based on Polymorphic Record Types

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  • 多相レコード型に基づくRubyプログラムの型推論
  • タソウ レコードガタ ニ モトズク Ruby プログラム ノ カタ スイロン

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We design and implement a type inference tool for Ruby programs. The type system is based on polymorphic record types of Garrigue. The tool takes two inputs, a type signature of the built-in classes and a Ruby program, and then infers the type of the Ruby program and detect type errors. The type system is a direct adaptation of that of ML with polymorphic records, and designed to be sound only for a restricted tiny subset of Ruby. Ruby allows programmers to modify existing classes and many programs actually modify existing (built-in) classes. Thus we design our type system so that type signatures and method implementation coexist in a class definition. We encounter difficulties when typing common Ruby programs, since polymorphic methods are not expressible in our type system and the ML type inference does not infer polymorphic types in recursive definitions. We alleviate these difficulties by introducing transformations that duplicate class definitions.



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