Persuasive Application Using Sensing Fork to Improve Eating Behavior

IPSJ Open Access

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  • 食行動改善を促すスマートフォン連動型センサ内蔵フォーク

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This paper describes the design of a digital fork, which detects user's eating behavior (eating action and food type), and a mobile interactive and persuasive game for a young child who is a picky eater and/or easily distracted during mealtime. The system aims to educate children on the importance of a balanced diet while motivating proper eating behavior. To sense a child's eating behavior, we have designed and prototyped a sensor-embedded digital fork, called the Sensing Fork. Furthermore, we have developed a storybook and persuasive game, called the Hungry Panda, on a smartphone. We report the results of a performance evaluation and a real-life user study that involved mother-child subjects and tested the effectiveness of our system in addressing the children's eating problems.


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