Reconsidering the Ajigi-e : On the Interpretation of the image of a tonsured woman

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  • 描かれた尼姿の意味 : 「阿字義絵」 の絵を中心とした再考察
  • エガカレタ アマスガタ ノ イミ アジギエ ノ エ オ チュウシン トシタ サイコウサツ

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The Ajigi-e(lllustration of the Meaning of the Sanskrit Letter A)is a one-roll scroil-painting that consists of text and images. The text explains aj ikan(contemplation of the sanskrit letter A),prayers to the Buddha Amida, and the Lotus Sutra;the scro11. also portrays a woman and a man whose chests bear the Sansknt Letter A。 In a l993 article, I argued that the image of the woman in this painting was unusual because she was presented as a female priest who exposed her totally shaven head while wearing an elegant uchigi(attire of aristocratic women). Then I concluded that the female priest in the painting was created as an image of the painting’s female audience. This paper attempts to reconsider my previous interpretation. As has been widely discussed,painting is not a reflection of reality, but rather a production situated arnong the intentions of both painters, patrons, and audience・In this paper・I now turn to the patrons. I will analyze the exceptional nature of the female priest in socio-historical context, thereby offering hypothesis about possible patrons and their motives of producing.  Based on interpretation of the painting, I considered the f6110wing two possible patrons. First, the tonsured woman and the man could be a representation of a wife and her deceased husband。 I this case, the patron could be a wife who mourned fbr her husband and prayed to enter Buddhist Heaven herself as welLSecond,the pair could be a mother and her son. lt is possible that the son ordered the painting for his mother,who strongly wished to enter Heaven.  Taking the various social and religious restrictions imposed on women into account,the tonsure of the female priest can be interpreted as a woman’s desire to be rebom in the Pure Land by transforming herself into a man. The uchigi is presumably chosen to make clear that the tonsured person is a woman and not a priest,and at the same tim.e to emph・・ize th・t th・tw・pers・n・a・e・a・f・m・le and・m・1・. Th・・, it i・lik・ly th・t・f・m・1・p・t・・nag・w・、 inv。1。,d i。 th, P・・d・・ti・n・f・c・・11 p・i・ti・g and th・t・h・wi・h・d t・・xp・・i・nce th・t…u・e i・pi・t・・i・1・fa・t・・y・・th、t、he c。uld b。 qualified to enter Buddhist Heaven.



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