Perspective and Spatial Mental Models

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  • 空間学習時の視点と空間的メンタルモデル
  • クウカン ガクシュウジ ノ シテン ト クウカンテキ メンタル モデル

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Perrig and Kintsch (1985) suggested that a spatial mental model constructed from the route perspective was different from that constructed from the survey -perspective. Taylor and Tversky (1992) made an objection to their suggestion. The present study discusses which of the insistences is correct . The subjects learned a layout of a fictitious town either from a map, a route-text, or a survey-text. The route text described the layout with the route perspective, while the survey text and the map with the survey perspective. After the learning phase, the subjects made true-false judgments for a map-, a route-, and a survey-type of spatial descriptions made from parts of the learning materials. The result showed that the performance of route-text condition was superior to the other conditions for the map-type descriptions, the survey-text condition was inferior to the other for the route-type descriptions, and the route-text condition was inferior to the other for the survey-type descriptions. The results almost resembled that of Perrig and Kintsch (1985), suggesting a spatial mental model constructed from the route perspective could be different from that constructed from the survey perspective.


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