観光群島バレアレスの光と影 : 巨大観光群島バレアレスの過去,現在,並びに将来の問題点


  • Problems to tourism in Balearic Islands.
  • カンコウ グントウ バレアレス ノ ヒカリ ト カゲ キョダイ カンコウ グントウ バレアレス ノ カコ ゲンザイ ナラビ ニ ショウライ ノ モンダイテン



The coast of the Mediterranean, which was formerly the preferred winter vacation grounds of Europe's upper classes, has become in recent years a popular summer vacation destination for all Europeans. Of course, Majorca, the main island of the Balearic Archipelago, is n? exception. Following the Second World War, it was widely publicized as a tourist destination for the masses. Recently, however, Majorca framed plans to upgrade its image from "popular" to "upscale" and is carrying out policies to regulate smallscale tourism development and expand its airport.  The island of Majorca has benefited from the almond and olive orchards that have always formed the basis of its beauty. However, their future is in doubt due to instabillity in the prices of primary produce and questions as to whether orchard owners will continue to follow in the footsteps of their ancestors.  Throughout the world, tourist destinations tend to face common problems, including a decline in image as their popularity increases and a decline in scenic beauty as their surrounding agricultural base deteriorates.  I discuss the above topics based on information gathered during two-month-long field studies in each years from 1990 to 1994 at the height of the summer vacation season in Majorca. These topics form the main theme of this paper. \n ジョルジュ・サンド,ショパン・サルバドール大公の昔から,その明眉な風光と温暖な気候によって多くの観光客を集め,"ヨーロッパの夏の首都"の名を恣にしたマジョルカ島を含むバレアレス群島は,戦后滔々たる大衆化の波に洗われ,客單価の低下,乱開発によ自然破壊,そして農地並びに農業者の将来展望の不透明という三重苦に喘いでいる。1989年から1994年に至る5年間の夏の2ヵ月,観光の最盛期を現地に過ごした筆者の観察と体験によって観光地バレアレスの現状と問題点を検討したのが本報告である。


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