看護学生の死生観の学年変化に関する一考察 : 丹下の「死に対する態度尺度」を用いて


  • カンゴ ガクセイ ノ シセイカン ノ ガクネン ヘンカ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ タンゲ ノ シ ニ タイスル タイド シャクド オ モチイテ
  • A Comparative Study of Nursing Students' Attitude toward Death through their Academic Years : Using Tange's Scale of Attitude toward Death





Original Article


This study aims to clarify the changes of the nursing students' attitude toward death using Tange's scale of attitude toward death and to consider the death education in nursing education. The subjects were the first, second and third year students of nursing three year Junior College in 2001. The factors of the scale and the items of the factors were compared with each academic year. As a result, the scores of the factor of "neglecting death" of the second year students and the third year students were lower than those of the first year students. The scores of the items which meant the release from their responsibility and the indifference to accidental death of person and persons unknown of the third year students was higher than those of the first year students. Therefore, it is conceivable that the nursing students' attitude toward death become more objective to inevitable death. Change in the other subscales could not be observed. In order to foster the nursing students' attitude toward death, in nursing education and clinical practice, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to consider death. Moreover, it is also necessary to provide formal instruction about the attitude toward death.


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