

  • Death and Salvation in the Tale of Genji
  • ゲンジ モノガタリ ニ オケル シ ト キュウサイ





There are many deceased who are important in the Tale of Genji. This is not only due to the length of the work, but also becauce there is a significance to death itself. Death is not the end of one’s life but the process until one dies, and the thoughts of the bereaved are taken seriously. This article discusses what death brought, and how the salvation of the deceased is thought to express the unique logic of Buddhist salvation found in the tale. First of all, the characters possessed by ghosts are introduced. Since the death of Yugao was not informed to her daughter, Yugao did not receive enough prayers for her from the bereaved, and this made her departure in peace so late. It can be considered that Aoinoue passed away with deep sorrow, expressed by Hikarugenji, who grieved over her death. However, it is unlikely that he loved her so much. There must have been another reason. It was necessary to be a devout believer in Buddhism, and religious services needed to be held by the bereaved to enable the dead to go to the next life. Especially for young people, who hardly experienced any religious service, hearty performance of a memorial service by the bereaved was required. There is no doubt that Hikarugenji had never prayed deeply for Rokujomiyasudokoro. This is deeply connected with the tale of Rokujomiyasudokoro, who became a ghost. Memorial service and spiritual salvation seemed to be necessary to give repose to the souls of those who died in this tale. Murasakinoue could pass away peacefully because of her strong faith and the sincere service given by Hikarugenji. Next, about salvation for the ghosts who appeared in a dream, it is thought that Kirituboin could be saved and go to Paradise owing to the impressive memorial service held by Hikarugenji. It enabled an obvious process of the salvation of Fujitubo according to the wishes of Hikarugenji; even substituting himself for her. Hachinomiya got relieved and passed away because Nakanokimi prefered to live a happy life. In tales other than that of Genji, there is a conspicuous qualitative difference regarding the limited description which adheres closely only to developmental details in the tale, such as regarding how an individual prayed to Buddha for the fortune of the dead sincerely, and also the descriptions of the grand memorial services held directly. This demonstrates the power of those concerned, and shows episodes that could never have been mentioned in the Tale of Genji.




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