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  • トクシマケン ノ ガン ケンシン ジュシンリツ オヨビ シボウリツ ノ ゲンジョウ
  • 徳島県のがん検診受診率及び死亡率
  • Cancer screening rate and cancer mortality in Tokushima Prefecture

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本研究は,全国及び徳島県の公表されたデータを用いてがん死亡率及びがん検診受診率に関して検討を行った. 胃がん,肺がん,大腸がん,子宮がん,乳がんの5つのがん検診を解析対象とし,徳島県と全国の比較を行った.データは厚生労働省,国立がん研究センターがん対策情報センターのデータベース,徳島県発行の年報やホームページから収集した.がん死亡率とがん検診受診率の年次推移及び死亡率と受診率との相関を調べた.また徳島県を行政区分,地理的条件および文化的背景を考慮した13の区分に分割し,それぞれの地域における受診率及び死亡率の相関を調べた. 大腸がんと乳がんの死亡率は徳島県では全国と比較して,低い傾向にあったが,胃がんと大腸がんの受診率は徳島県のほうが低かった.胃がん検診受診率と死亡率との関係では,徳島県,全国ともに,受診率が低くなるにつれて,死亡率が低くなる現象がみられたが,その他のがんでは明らかな関係はみられなかった.市町村別の受診率と死亡率との相関をみると,女性の胃がん検診では,受診率の向上に伴い,死亡率は低下傾向であった.肺がんと大腸がんのがん検診受診率と死亡率との関係では,明白な傾向はみられなかった.しかし子宮がんと乳がんでは,受診率の向上に伴い,死亡率が低下する傾向が認められた. 今後検診の種類による受診率の差をもたらす背景を探索する必要があると考える.

The cancer mortality rate and the cancer screening rate in Tokushima Prefecture were compared with the national data of Japan in order to clarify the relationships. The cancer of stomach, lung, colorectal, uterine, and breast cancer were included in this analysis. Data were collected from databases and publications of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, National Cancer Center, and Tokushima Prefecture. Trends in the cancer mortality rates and screening rates and the relationships between the cancer mortality and screening rates were examined. Municipalities in Tokushima Prefecture were classified into 13 areas by the point of administrative boundary, and the relationships between the cancer screening rates and mortality rates in each area was examined. The mortality rates of colorectal and breast cancer, that in Tokushima Prefecture was lower than the national data. However, the screening rates of stomach and colorectal cancer, in Tokushima Prefecture were lower than the national data. The relationships between the screening rate and mortality rate for stomach cancer revealed a positive correlation in Tokushima Prefecture as well as national data. There were no apparent relationships among other cancers. There were no apparent relationships between the screening rates and the mortality rates for lung and colorectal cancer in gender. However, for uterine and breast cancer, the mortality rates tended to decrease as the screening rates increased. We thought that it is necessary to search for background to bring the difference of the screening rates by the type of cancer in future.


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