自由競争下の卸売市場の現状と課題 : 食肉の卸売市場を中心として


  • The Present Conditions and Problems of wholesaling markets Under Free Competition
  • ジユウ キョウソウ カ ノ オロシウリ シジョウ ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ ショクニク ノ オロシウリ シジョウ オ チュウシン ト シテ



In meat wholesaling markets, dealing head counts of beef cattle and pigs are decreasing, and a share of the market distribution to occupy for the national distribution is reducing. Therefore, a business amount of money of meat wholesaling markets decreases to 3/4 of a peak hour in 2000. The business amounts of money of district wholesaling markets are decreasing in particular to 1/2 of 2000. A factor of decrease of business is sake of dealing decrease of the Japanese beef cattle which occupied the mainstream of wholesaling markets business till now. After 2000, a wholesale market share is reducing, and a share of producing district meat center is spreading in Japanese cattle's dealings. Wholesalers must do the following reform for establishment of an existence base. Firstly, wholesalers perform pressure of positive production and collection of cargo for the producing district and are to expand collection of cargo and functions of merchandise assortment. Secondly wholesalers have to enter new business. Thirdly, by introduction of electric commerce they increase the amount of dealing. Fourthly, they have to introduce a new evaluation standard such as product differentiations.


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