
機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Current Situation and Issues of Daytime Activities for Users of Facilities that Admit Children with Medical Disabilities
  • イリョウガタ ショウガイジ ニュウショ シセツ ノ リヨウシャ ニ タイスル ニッチュウ カツドウ ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ



In order to clarify the situation of daytime activities at facilities that admit children with medical disabilities, a questionnaire survey was sent by post to 122 public corporation facilities throughout Japan. Responses were received from 47 facilities, a 39% response ratio. These facilities were classified by size (large, medium or small), and statistically analyzed. Results show that children with severe disabilities and quasi-severe disabilities are participating in daytime activities at 96% of the facilities. The sizes of daytime activities are mostly 2 to 10 people for 31 to 60 minutes of activity time. Those activities are mainly handled by a few child care workers, nurses or certified care workers. At all of the facilities, daytime activities are often program with mild stimuli that is used music, etc. But in medium and large facilities, its activities are included dynamic elements such as group music activities and gardening. Staff in charge of activities take care of the activity content, types of activities, and staff coordination and assignments, in addition to participation frequency and physical condition of users, etc. Staff at 94% of the facilities feel troubled about daytime activities, sharing concerns about support staff assignments, user participation frequency adjustments, stimulation strength, indoor environment, etc. These show the actual situation wherein many facilities have few staff, who struggle to ensure activities for many users, with a rich variety of activities while considering disability characteristics. “Intervention” is a term applied for children with disabilities during their developmental period, but daytime activities seem suitable both for boosting quality of life of people with severe disabilities, and delaying deterioration in the elderly.




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