不登校の中学生にとっての適応指導教室のありかた : エスノグラフィー的記述を用いて


  • フトウコウ ノ チュウガクセイ ニ トッテ ノ テキオウ シドウ キョウシツ ノ アリ カ タ エスノグラフィーテキ キジュツ オ モチイテ
  • The Existence and Meaning about an Adaptation Guidance Classroom for School Refusers : Studying with the Ethnography Method





In recent years, the number of school r efusers increases, and it become one of the big problems in the educational front. Nowadays, there are many alternative places for these kinds of children. Therefore many people study about these kinds of places especially adaptation guidance classrooms, and they suggest that an adaptation guidance classroom has an element of "Ibasyo". But, how "Ibasyo" function affect to school refusers re-school attendance? In this article, we focused on the adaptation guidance classroom (K- class), and examine the existence and meaning about the class for school refusers with using the ethnography method. Then we studied about a meaning of "Ibasyo" in the re-school attendance. According to our study, 4 elements of the function of the adaptation guidance classroom was insisted which are 1) "Ibasyo" (where the person who eases one's mind), 2) to creating a relationship with other person, 3) studying, 4) becoming children's "Home-ground" (which means "the place to prepare for to a challenge"). Particularly, the adaptation guidance classroom changes from "Ibasyo" to "Home-ground", being important for re-school attendance foe school refusers were insisted. It means that, children need "Ibasyo", but they should not continue staying in the much same place, and must jump out in the outside world, then they have to find their own "Ibasyo" at there. In other words, the adaptation guidance classroom should be "the place that children should leave". This change was needed for school refuser's re-school attendance. In addition, it was insisted that continuous cooperation with the school where a child is registered at was needed for their re-school attendance.


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