How Japanese TV News Covered COP21 ─The Content Analysis of Coverage about Environmental Issues in Mass Media (1)─
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- Other Title
- テレビニュースはCOP21をどのように伝えたか─マスメディアにおける環境問題報道の内容分析(1)─
- テレビニュース ワ COP21 オ ドノ ヨウ ニ ツタエタ カ : マス メディア ニ オケル カンキョウ モンダイ ホウドウ ノ ナイヨウ ブンセキ(1)
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss about TV news coverage of COP21 in Japanese mass media. Global environmental issues are very important agenda in our society and mass media plays an important role for constructing our social reality about the environmental issues. In this research, the content analysis of TV news about COP21 in November to December 2015 was conducted. As the result, more than 70% of the news about COP21 and the environmental issues used “conflict frame”. Also, COP21 was covered more in two public TV news programs than the commercial TV news. To conclude, TV news coverage of COP21 in Japan was discussed with those results.
- Mejiro Journal of Social and Natural Sciences
Mejiro Journal of Social and Natural Sciences (15), 83-90, 2019-03-31
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050282813383020544
- NII Article ID
- 120006708776
- NII Book ID
- AA1205912X
- 1349709X
- 029918685
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles