- タイトル別名
- Effect of Gaze Stability Exercise on Body Sway and Dynamic Visual Acuity among Young Adults
- ケンジョウジン ニオケル GAZE STABILITY EXERCISE ノ コウカ ジュウシン ドウヨウ ト ドウタイ シリョク デノ ケントウ
INTRODUCTION AND METHODS: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of gaze stability exercises on healthy young subjects. Subjects were randomly divided into experimental (n=28) and control groups (n=13). The experimental group performed gaze stability exercise for three weeks and the control group did not. Pre and post body sway during quiet standing, standing with neck rotation, and dynamic visual acuity were measured on both groups. RESULTS: The results showed significant differences in body sway during standing with neck rotation and dynamic visual acuity in the experimental group (p<0.01. No significant differences were found in body sway and dynamic visual acuity in the control group.) DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: These improvements in postural stability and dynamic visual acuity after three weeks of gaze stability exercises suggest improved neural adaptation of the vestibular nuclear complex and cerebellum, as well as enhanced central pre-programming. These results of this study suggest that gaze stability exercises may be beneficial for healthy young adults, and these data may be adapted to elderly or sports fields in further study.
- 日本福祉大学健康科学論集
日本福祉大学健康科学論集 13 27-32, 2010-03-30
半田 : 日本福祉大学健康科学部 ; 2009-2019
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050282813403993600
- 110007576117
- AA12406697
- 18839967
- 10823313
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles