体育の実技練習における最適な試行間隔と試行数 ―バスケットボールのフリースローシュート課題を用いて―

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  • タイイク ノ ジツギ レンシュウ ニ オケル サイテキ ナ シコウ カンカク ト シコウスウ : バスケットボール ノ フリースローシュート カダイ オ モチイテ
  • Motor skill learning effect of shot interval and trial number in the physical education lesson: Using a free throw shot task in basketball

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The purpose of this study was to examine which is important for motor skill learning, shot interval or trial number. Participants were 36 novice students in the university. Task was free throwing shot in the basketball. Participants were divided into three groups; 3 seconds, 6 seconds, and 9 seconds groups. Participants of 3 seconds group threw 102 trials in 3 seconds interval in a set. Participants of 6 seconds group threw 51 trials in 6 seconds interval. And participants of 9 seconds group threw 34 trials in 9 seconds interval. 20 trials pretest was employed in free shot intervals before the first day in acquisition trials. An acquisition trials session were composed of three days. Participants performed two sets of 306 seconds trial set each day. Participants also performed 20 trials posttest in free shot intervals each day. 20 trials retention test was employed in free shot intervals 24 hours later of the last day in acquisition trials. In the pretest there were no differences between groups. In the acquisition trials session all three groups improved their performance although there were no differences between groups. In the posttest in 2nd day 6 seconds group was significantly better than 3 seconds and 9 seconds groups. However, in the retention test and other posttests there were no significant differences between groups. Although the results were not clear, it seemed that motor skill learning on a free throw shot task in basketball were affected by not only trial number but also trial interval. More studies need to be employed for this topic.


  • 教科開発学論集

    教科開発学論集 1 13-17, 2013-03-31

    愛知教育大学大学院・静岡大学大学院教育学研究科 共同教科開発学専攻

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