Feelings and Thoughts of Nurses in Charge of Clinical Training in "A" City  -Feelings and Thoughts regarding students and teaching practical education-

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  • A市における看護学実習に携わる臨地実習指導者の思い -学生に対する思い・実習指導への思い-
  • Aシ ニ オケル カンゴガク ジッシュウ ニ タズサワル リンチ ジッシュウ シドウシャ ノ オモイ : ガクセイ ニ タイスル オモイ ・ ジッシュウ シドウ エ ノ オモイ

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Objective:Aims of this study were to elucidate feelings and thoughts of nurses in charge of clinical training and to obtain suggestions for effectivc cooperation between these nurses and teachers,as well as a clinical training approach. Methods:Unstructured interviews were perfomed with eight nuses in charge of clinical trainig,which were conducted in three hospitals in "A" Citty, and the research data were analyzed qualitatively and inductively. Results:In this research,nine categories were extracted:leadership policy, individual teaching methods,dilemmas in teaching,reward as a nurse in charge of clinical traning,questions on clinical training condtions, knowing students' current environments, necessity of staff cooperation, necessity of relationship of mutual trust with a teacher, and learning as a nurse in charge of clinical training. Discussin:Nurses leading clinical training courses had lost their confidence in their teaching approach in some way and felt a“ leadership dilemma. "Howevery, they obtained experiences where “ they felt rewarded as a nurse in charge of clinical training, "and were influenced by circumstances. It was recognized that these experiences led to the achievement of playing a role of a clnical-training nurse. In "necessity of relationship of mutual trust with a teacher, ''it is required for a teacher to establish a relationship of mutual trust with these nurses in order to conduct clinical trainings together, regularly sharing the purpose of these trainings and consulting on courses.


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