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  • 1サイ 6カゲツジ オ モツ フウフ ノ セイ ヤクワリ ブンギョウカン ト ハハオヤ ノ メンタル ヘルス ト ノ カンレン
  • Association between gender role attitudes toward the division of labor among couples raising 18-month-old children and the mental health status of mothers.

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The aim of the present study was to examine the association between gender role attitucles toward the division of labor among couples raising 18-month-old children and the mental health status of mothers. An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted on 627 couples raising 18-month-old children. Of the questionnaires collected from 304 couples (both husbands and wives), data from 252 were used in the analysis. The factors associated with the mental health status of mothers were as follows: i) the mothers' “subjective Perspective on health", “financial satisfaction", "time spent on household duties on days off", hours of sleep during days off", "performance score of fathers providing child-rearing support", “satisfaction in the marital relationship" and the "child's attributes"; and ii) the fathers' “hours of sleep during weekdays and days off" and “satisfaction in the marital relationship". On the other hand, gender role attitudes toward the division of labor were not associated with the mental health status of mothers. The results of a logistic regression analysis revealed that mothers' “subjective perspective on health" and the "child's attributes" were the factors most strongly associated with the mental health status of mothers. The results of the present study suggest that to improve the mental health status of mothers, individualized support for couples that supports the self-health management of mothers and provides information about children's attributes is needed.

identifier:奈良県立医科大学医学部看護学科紀要 Vol.15 p.33-42 (2019.07)



identifier:奈良県立医科大学医学部看護学科紀要, 15: 33-42


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