リヒャルト・ワーグナーの歌劇『タンホイザー』試論 : キリスト教とヨーロッパ神話の視点から


  • リヒャルト ・ ワーグナー ノ カゲキ 『 タンホイザー 』 シロン : キリストキョウ ト ヨーロッパ シンワ ノ シテン カラ
  • Religious and Mythological Study of Richard Wagner's Opera : Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg



Richard Wagner's opera “Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg " is the core of the essay. In the analyse of the opera , it takes up german legends, german and other mythos and Catholicism. One of the legends is a “Tannhäuser-legend" which has a great influence on Wagner's opera. 0n the other hand,Wagner assumes in the opera a critical attitude toward Catholicism, and instead of that he revalued the roles of the german gods in german mythos, particularly the role of venus. The german mythical world was less well understood than that of any other countries in western and eastern Europe. It was the Grimm brothers that urged the importance of the german mythos. Since the gods had been almost wiped out by Catholicism from the ancient times to the mdieval period, it was very difficult to create a clear picture of what their existences and roles were like. With the support of “Deutsche Mythologie (German mythologie)" and “Deutsche Sagen(German legends)" of the Grimm brothers , Wagner brought the german gods in life into “Tannhäuser". This opera includes not only the german mythos and history, but also the religeous thoughts in the whole Europe.


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