Analysis of the Metabolic Changes in pH, [HCO3-] and Pco2 in Blood Plasma at Steady State in vivo


  • 定常空気呼吸時の血漿内pH,重炭酸イオン濃度及びCO2分圧の代謝性変化の解析
  • テイジョウ クウキ コキュウジ ノ ケッショウナイ ph ジュウタンサン イオン ノウド オヨビ CO2 ブンアツ ノ タイシャセイ ヘンカ ノ カイセキ




Previously we analysed [HCO_3^-] in blood plasma, by dividing it into a respiratory component, [HCO_3^-]^*, and a metabolic component, [HCO_3^-]^o. Assuming [HCO_3^-]^o to be independent of Pco_2, an exponential function of Pco_2 was obtained for [HCO_3^-]^*. More recently, we found, through regression analysis of the difference in pH from 7.4, that the metabolic component of pH-7.4, designated by pH-pH^*, could be evaluated by using the ratio [HCO_3^-]^o/[HCO_3^-]^*, and that this ratio, not the value for [HCO_3^-]^o, was independent of Pco_2. [HCO_3^-]^o at pH = 7.4, designated by s[HCO_3^-]^o, was calculated to test the validity of [HCO_3^-]^*, the regression functions of [HCO_3^-]^o and s[HCO_3^-]^o in venous blood, against those in arterial blood, were then calculated. Both the correlation and regression coefficients were close to unity, though the regression coefficient of [HCO_3^-]^o was slightly higher than that of s[HCO_3^-]^o. Further, in arterial and venous blood, the regression lines of pH and Pco_2 against s[HCO_3^-]^o were obtained in a number of acidotic and alkalotic patients, and the change in Pco_2, compensating for pH, was quantified. Designating [H^+] in normal blood, where s[HCO_3^-]^o = 0, by [H^+]^*, the ratio [H^+]/[H^+]^* was obtained in a number of anemic patients to check the effect of the hemoglobin concentration [Hb] on the metabolic change in pH. [H^+] agreed well with [H^+]^*, and no significant effect of [Hb] on the metabolic change in pH was found. Keywords:Acid-base imbalance, Components of [HCO_3^-], Change in pH, Metabolic change in Pco_2, Hemoglobin concentration.


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