食草に含まれる重金属が蝶の成長に与える影響について - カドミウムがモンシロチョウに与える影響を中心にして -


  • ショクソウ ニ フクマレル ジュウキンゾク ガ チョウ ノ セイチョウ ニ アタエル エイキョウ ニ ツイテ カドミウム ガ モンシロチョウ ニ アタエル エイキョウ オ チュウシン ニ シテ
  • The Effect of Cadmium on Growth and Genetics of the Butterfly Pieris rapae





It is well known that butterflies lay eggs on their specific food plants, and that larvae after hatching eat them and grow up to become pupae, then adult butterflies. This paper deals with the effect of Cadmium in food plants on growth and genetics of the butterfly Pieris rapae. We found that depending on the amount of Cadmium in the soil, about 10-20 % of Cadmium transferred to food plants and adult butterflies. We also found that Cadmium affects the hatching rate of butterfly eggs and gross weight of pupae. The second generation of the butterflies raised in the same Cadmium environment as that for the first generation accumulates roughly twice the amount of Cadmium in the adult body. The results are all suggestive of and also useful for the evaluation of the effect of Cadmium on animal growth and genetics in general.


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