大村湾底泥中からのGonyaulax polyedra Steinのシストの発見


  • 大村湾底泥中からのGonyaulax polyedra STEINシストの発見
  • オオムラワン テイデイチュウ カラ ノ gonyaulax polyedra



SIR-We first found many living cysts of Gonyaulax polyedra STEIN in Japan. This species has been known as one of causative dinoflagellates of red-tide. Cysts were collected from surface sediments in Omura Bay, Nagasaki Prefecture and were provided for germination experiment. Some thecate and motile forms produced from these cysts were identified as Gonyaulax polyedra on the basis of following characteristics; i) polygonal cell with well developed suture and without antapical horns, ii) plate formula indicated as P0, 4', 2a, 6", 1p and 1"", iii) the displacement of girdle not so strong, and iv) coarsely reticulated plates and platelets. The living cysts concentrated in surface sediments at the southeastern area of the Nagasaki Airport (Fig. 1). It concides with the region where other naked dinoflagellates such as Gymnodinium sp. (type'65) explosively bloom.

日本プランクトン学会報, 28(1), pp.53-57; 1981


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