幼児向け演奏会のプログラムに対する一考察 : 『おやこ音楽会』の開催をもとに


  • A Study on Concert Programs for Infants Based on the Hosting of "The Parents and Children Concert"
  • ヨウジ ムケ エンソウカイ ノ プログラム ニ タイスル イチ コウサツ : 『 オヤコ オンガクカイ 』 ノ カイサイ オ モト ニ




The purpose of this study was to examine the concert program for infants based on the approach of “The Parents and Children Concert,” which I have hosted each season since the summer of 2014. In the concert, musical works of various genres including classical and nursery rhymes or children’s songs were performed using the bassoon, piano and percussion. For the performance, we incorporated imaginary sounds into the existing works and produced a new allure for the children by creating stories for the music. In the concert, we were able to observe how some children reacted strongly to the difference in sounds as well as their response to our talk and the impact of the music upon them. Through this analysis, I would like to examine concert programs targeting infants.


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