A Study of the Fragments of Uigur Text Found in the Fusetsu Nakamura Collection

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  • 中村不折氏旧蔵ウイグル語文書断片の研究

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Very few people know about the Uigur texts collected by Fusetsu Nakamura and no one has ever shed scholastic light on the texts. The author happened to find in the library of Kyoto University a rather large amount of Uigur texts photocopied from the Nakamura Collection. In this paper, the author offers an explanation, a transcription and a translation of some of the fragments, i. e. three leaves of roll manuscripts, I, II, III and two leaves of xylographic prints, IVa, IVb.By doing this, it turned out that fragment I is part of 天地八陽神呪経T’ien-ti-pa-yang-chen-tchou-king and its contents coincide with the Buddhist text 11.130-170, which W. Bang presented in Türkische Turfantexte VII. There are many kinds of Uigur text fragments concerning this Buddhist text but the one the author dealt with here seems very close in character to the one preserved in Berlin.Fragments II, III are both written in verse and the contents are about Kṣamayati.Though it is not clear whether fragments IVa, IVb belong to the text cited above, it is found that the contents of them are both concerned with Sitātapatra-dharānī. IVb is exactly the same as F. W. K. Müller’s Uigurica II, T. III M225 (24).The five leaves dealt with here have come possibly from 王樹枏 Wang Chounan into Nakamura’s possession. They are among the most precious Uigur texts existing in Japan among those not included in the Ōtani Collection.


  • The Toyo Gakuho

    The Toyo Gakuho 61 (1・2), 226-254, 1979-12


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