

  • Measurement Depth Selectable Water Level Sensor Using Capacitance and Reflection Time Measurement



農業において,水管理は収量や品質を左右する重要な要素であり,水稲栽培では水田水位の維持管理だけでも多くの人的コストを要することから,管理の効率化は生産性向上に直結する.こうした背景のもと,様々な水田水位計が提案されてきた.しかし,水位計には,水田に限らず農業・防災分野で広くニーズがあり,要求される測定レンジや精度も多様なので,可能な限り共通化した測定・制御回路を利用しつつも,測定深度を容易に変更可能とし,各種ニーズに応えられる水位計を構築することが望ましい.そこで本研究では,汎用マイコン内蔵のモジュールを用いて静電容量式と簡易型のTime Domain Reflectometry(TDR)方式の両方を利用できる水田水位計を開発した.さらに,多様なニーズに応えるため,TDR方式では,通信ケーブルをプローブとして使用し,測定パラメータを動的に調整するようにして,測定深度の変更を容易にした.これらの手法の使い分けにより,0~1mの範囲では1~5cm程度,1~10mの範囲でも平均で10cm以下の誤差で水位の計測ができた.また静電容量式の水位計は実際に水田に設置し,水分の変動量を測定して,営農上有益な情報が得られた.

Irrigation management is crucial factor in agriculture as it affects to yield and quality of crop. Particularly, water level control in paddy fields requires huge labor cost so improving the management process contributes to improve farming productivity. Therefore, several water level sensors specially designed for paddy fields are commercialized. On the other hand, there are various needs on such low-cost water level sensor and required spec depends on its purpose. Thus, a water level sensor which can adapt to various purposes but has shared measurement and control circuits is desired. We developed a water level sensor that uses the constant current module included by a cheap MCU for both capacitance measurement and time domein reflectometry (TDR). In TDR method, parallel wire transmission line is used as a probe and adaptive threshold contributes to change measurement range easily. Combining these 2 measurement methods, we achieved less than 5cm and 10cm accuracy in 0 to 1m and in 1 to 10m respectively. The capacitive one tested in paddy fields and we retrieved valuable information to optimized water management.


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