

  • 琵琶湖周辺内湖の植物プランクトン増殖に対する栄養評価
  • ビワコ シュウヘン ナイコ ノ ショクブツ プランクトン ゾウショク ニ タイスル エイヨウ ヒョウカ
  • ビワコ シュウヘン ナイコ ノ ショクブツ プランクトン ゾウショク ニ タイスル エイヨウ ヒョウカ ロンブン
  • Evaluation of Nutrient Deficiency for Phytoplankton Growth in Lagoons connected to Lake Biwa



type:Departmental Bulletin Paper

To elucidate deficiencies in the nutrients needed for phytoplankton growth, nutrient limits were examined in 24 lagoons, SATOMIZU "Naiko", connected to Lake Biwa. The evaluation parameters consisted of particulate bioelements (particulate carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus), chlorophyll-a, and nutrient (nitrogenous and phosphorus compound) concentrations and their ratios. The phytoplankton in almost all lagoons was not limited by either nitrogen or phosphorous compounds. However, phytoplankton growth in some shallow lagoons with low phytoplankton concentrations was affected by phosphorus nutrients. All lakes throughout the watershed were identified as eutrophic based on total phosphorus concentration as the trophic state index. Furthermore, six lagoons were identified as oligotrophic or mesotrophic lakes, and the other 18 lagoons were identified as eutrophic lakes, judging from chlorophyll-a concentration indicators.

identifier:滋賀大学環境総合研究センター研究年報, 第11巻第1号, pp. 47-56


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