A Study on the historical transformations of the floor plan of the Samurai Residences in "Fumoto" villages in Kagoshima
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- 鹿児島の麓集落における武家住宅の平面形式に関する基礎的研究
- カゴシマ ノ ロク シュウラク ニ オケル ブケ ジュウタク ノ ヘイメン ケイシキ ニ カンスル キソテキ ケンキュウ
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In the feudal era, there was an unique regional governance system called "Tojo system" in the Satsuma-Domain (Satsuma, Osumi and Hyuga Regions). The system was composed of 113 divisions (Gou), and governmental villages called "Fumoto" in each divisions. Samurai Residences were constructed in Fumoto villages, and some villages still remains with the historic features. This study focuses on historical transitions of floor plan of the Samurai Residences. This study deals samples from the three Inportant Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Building (Jyu-Den- Ken Chiku) in Kagoshima Prifecture, Chiran Fumoto, Izumi Fumoto, Iriki Fumoto, and a candidate preservation districts of Kaseda Fumoto. As a result, three types of the floor plan was classified by the connection between the entrance and main room. Also this paper reports more detailed changes in the floor plans.
- The research reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University
The research reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University 55 1-15, 2013-10
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050282813854917120
- NII Article ID
- 40019889347
- 120005367603
- NII Book ID
- AN00040363
- 10232/20282
- 025046912
- 0451212X
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles