Determination of Compression Index for Local Soil Shirasu by Box Shear Test

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  • 一面せん断試験による特殊土しらすの圧縮指数の決定
  • イチメンセンダンシケン ニ ヨル トクシュドシラス ノ アッシュク シスウ ノ ケッテイ

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The determination procedure of sandy soil’s compression index is proposed in this paper. At first, a series of box shear test datum are obtained under constant perpendicular stress condition. Secondly, this method is carried out by fitting some equations to sandy soil’s shearing behaviors (i.e., dilatancy behaviors). Finally, sandy soil’s compression index is obtained by relationship between maximum compressive displacements and initial specific volumes. The validity of this method is confirmed by applying to local soil Shirasu. And the relation between Shirasu’s compression index and degree of saturation is made clear for the first time. Keywords : compression index, box shear test, dilatancy, local soil Shirasu, degree of saturation


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