Hoshi Shinichi's fiction in Chinese textbooks of secondary school in China

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  • 中国の中学校国語教科書に採用された星新一小説
  • チュウゴク ノ チュウガッコウ コクゴ キョウカショ ニ サイヨウ サレタ ホシ シン イチ ショウセツ

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Shinichi Hoshi is a short-short novelist, whose works have been elected to Japan’s primary and secondary school textbooks. In China, his works have also been elected to both primary school Chinese exercise book and college Chinese reading book. His most well-known works are He-y, Come on Ou-t! and Afterservice, which are elected to secondary school Chinese textbooks. First of all, this thesis states the contents of He-y, Come on Ou-t! and After-service. Then it expounds the interpretations on the two works from China and Japan, including similarities and differences. At last it analyzes the reasons of different interpretations from the point of age and education, and discusses the special reception of the two works in China. Secondly, this thesis states the adoption and development of foreign works in Chinese textbook. After that I will, compare the adoption of Japanese culture works in secondary school Chinese textbooks. Also this article will demonstrate that the elected Japanese culture works in secondary school Chinese textbooks are Shinichi Hoshi’s science fiction rather than traditional ones. At last, the thesis analyzes the reasons of the selection from the aspects of textbooks, contents and structures, and reaches the conclusion that Shinichi Hoshi’s works are preferred in Chinese textbooks because: firstly, the novel is short; secondly, the theme is common; thirdly, it can help learn writing methods and techniques.


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