古英語のse þe関係節における格付与


  • コ エイゴ ノ se þe カンケイセツ ニ オケル カクフヨ
  • Case Assignment in Se Þe Relatives in Old English



This article aims to explain the Case Attraction phenomenon found in se þe relatives in Old English, which have both the demonstrative pronoun (se) which serves as a relative pronoun and the relative particle (þe). In this type of relative clause, the Case of the relative pronoun can correspond to the Case of its antecedent, ignoring the Case of the gap within the relative clause. This phenomenon is called Case Attraction. From the data of historical corpora, it is revealed that the occurrence of Case Attraction is basically restricted to non-restrictive relatives. Partly following de Vries (2006), this article argues that non-restrictive relatives have a coordinated structure which involves the antecedent DP and the empty DP as coordinates, as illustrated in (1). (1) [CoP DP & [DP Ø][CP sei þe [TP ti]]] It is proposed that when Case Attraction occurs, the demonstrative pronoun (se) occupies not [spec,CP] but the coordinated DP position where the empty pronoun occurs in (1), and a null operator moves to [spec,CP], as shown in (2). (2) [CoP & [DP se][CP Opi þe [TP ti]]] Since the demonstrative pronoun is coordinated with the antecedent DP, the demonstrative pronoun receives the same Case as its antecedent. This article argues that because Old English has both (1) and (2) structures, Case Attraction occurs optionally.


  • IVY

    IVY 52 1-17, 2019-11-30


詳細情報 詳細情報について

