

  • タイイク ジツギ リシュウ ガクセイ ノ シャカイテキ スキル オヨビ ジコ コウリョクカン ノ スイジュン ニ カンスル キソテキ ケントウ
  • Taiiku jitsugi rishu gakusei no shakaiteki sukiru oyobi jiko koryokukan no suijun ni kansuru kisoteki kento
  • Social skills and self-efficacy in university students taking physical education classes




Focusing on students taking physical education classes in university, we conducted a preliminary study of two test conditions using Kikuchi's Social Skill Scale (KiSS-18) and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). The primary results of this study were as follows : 1) At the start of the first semester, we observed a significant difference between students who were 18–20 years of age and those who were 21 years of age in KiSS-18 and GSES scores, as well as a significant difference between 1st/2nd and 3rd year students, suggesting that both greater age and education level are related to higher scores on both measures. 2) In most subjects, KiSS-18 and GSES scores in the first semester were higher than the norm of these tests. 3) KiSS-18 scores tended towards a normal distribution, while GSES scores did not fall into a normal distribution. 4) Overall, KiSS-18 and GSES scores improved at the end of each semester, which we calculated by comparing the scores from the beginning and end of the first semester, and those from the beginning and end of the second semester. Students who took the classes in only one semester showed no improvement in scores from the beginning to the end of either semester. According to the above results, social skills and self-efficacy improved during the experiment according to age and amount of physical education training.


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