大学生が「ピラティス」を受講する目的 : 慶應義塾大学生とアメリカ人大学生の場合


  • ダイガクセイ ガ 「ピラティス」 オ ジュコウスル モクテキ : ケイオウ ギジュク ダイガクセイ ト アメリカジン ダイガクセイ ノ バアイ
  • Daigakusei ga "piratisu" o jukosuru mokuteki : Keio gijuku daigakusei to Amerikajin daigakusei no baai
  • University students' purposes of taking Pilates : Keio university and American university students




We aim to consider different methods to conduct Pilates courses by researching and analyzing Keio University students' purposes of taking Pilates. We also examined students from American University Students (S University) in the United States. The students' texts were analyzed using KH Coder, a software for quantitative content analysis or text mining. We found that, in general, Keio University students sought to strengthen their muscles and the core of their bodies through Pilates. Furthermore, these terms, "strengthen muscles" and "strengthen the body core," showed a strong co-occurrence with each other. Moreover, S University students showed the same pattern. However, for majority of the students from both the universities, "acquisition" tended to co-occur with "Pilates." Apart from "acquisition" and "being healthy," most Keio University students did not have any other terms that showed co-occurrence with "Pilates." Therefore, the study indicates that for Keio University students, terms such as "strengthen muscles" or "strengthen the body core" did not show a strong co-occurrence with "Pilates."



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