小児科診療所待合室の空間デザインに関するアクションリサーチ : Oクリニックの改修前後の待合室利用の比較分析を通じて

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  • AN ACTION RESEARCH OF SPATIAL DESIGN ON WAITING ROOM IN THE PEDIATRICS CLINIC : Comparative analysis between before and after renovation of O clinic's waiting room in Hokkaido
  • ショウニカ シンリョウジョ マチアイシツ ノ クウカン デザイン ニ カンスル アクションリサーチ : Oクリニック ノ カイシュウ ゼンゴ ノ マチアイシツリヨウ ノ ヒカク ブンセキ オ ツウジテ



This study aims to consider the issues on waiting room of the pediatrics clinic based on the action research of the case we've designed to renovate O CLINIC in Kita-Hiroshima, Hokkaido. As a result of comparative analysis between before and after the renovation, the following points on the waiting room planning have become clear; 1) compatibility of socio petal and socio fugal by the layout chairs with an angle of 90 degree, 2) adjustment between enough traffic lines from place to place and distances of each places, 3) selectivity on choice of chairs in order to follow with children's activities.


詳細情報 詳細情報について

