

  • PAC ブンセキ ニ ヨル ショウガッコウ キョウショクイン ノ ガッコウ イメージ ヒカク
  • The Comparison of the School Images of School Support Staff in an Elementary School by Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct



The purpose of this study is to examine how the perceptions that school support staff employees have of their school might vary with time through successive school terms. Because they have a viewpoint to watch a school from the outside, it is very important to know the difference between their viewpoint and the school teacher's viewpoint. The interviews for three people took place in 2008 (July and December), and in October of the next year. PAC analysis (Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct) was used for the interview. The findings showed that the school's image in the responses of the staff began as negative during the first term, but improved to positive during the second term. It seems that reflected, perhaps, the more complicated relationships that grew out of the staffers' greater personal involvement with the children. But a year later, their school's image became not so positive. In fact, the staffers' perceptions appeared more closely to resemble the responses made in another similar, previous investigation of teachers' perceptions of their school. It is hoped that an understanding of the process involved in the improvement in the perceptions of school workers will better enable them to enhance this process as it ultimately impacts on the quality of experience that many schools can provide many children.


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