- タイトル別名
- タンキ ダイガク トショカン ノ ツヨミ ト ヨワミ : ダイサンシャ ヒョウカ ケッカ ニ ヨル ブンセキ
- Tanki daigaku toshokan no tsuyomi to yowami : daisansha hyōka kekka ni yoru bunseki
- Strengths and weaknesses of junior college libraries : analysis based on junior college accreditation evaluations
【目的】本研究は, 短期大学 (以下短大) 図書館の機能・役割を従来の範囲に限定せず, 設置母体 (短大) の使命により深く関わる方向へ拡大するために, 短大内での図書館の位置づけを把握し, 図書館の強みと弱みを明らかにすることを目的としている。その上で, 短大の使命の方向性別に図書館の強み・弱みを見出すことも試みている。 【方法】平成17年から23年の7年間に一般財団法人短期大学基準協会により実施された331回の第三者評価の中の「特に優れた試みと評価できる事項」2,204 点 (うち図書館関係92点) を調査対象とし, それらを評価内容により15項目に分類した結果, のべ2,964 件 (図書館関係のべ131件, 図書館関係以外のべ2,833 件) になった。これを元に図書館関係と図書館関係以外を比較し図書館の強みと弱みを調査した。さらに, 短大の使命のタイプ別に分析を試みた。 【結果】図書館の強みは「施設・設備」「学習支援・履修支援」「社会連携・地域貢献・課外活動」「卒業生支援・同窓会連携」に関する点であり, 弱みは「教員・教員組織」「教育内容・方法」に関する点であることがわかった。短大の使命のタイプと図書館の強みに特徴的な関連はみられなかった。 Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to determine the role of libraries in junior colleges and clarify their strengths and weaknesses with a view to further developing these in a manner that is closely related to the mission of junior colleges, without limiting the existing scope of junior college library functions and rules. A further purpose of the paper is to attempt to identify strengths and weaknesses of libraries according to the missions espoused by the junior colleges. Methods: From 331 junior college accreditation evaluations conducted by the Japan Association for College Accreditation in the seven-year period from 2005 to 2011, the author investigated 2,204 “matters where particularly excellent efforts can be recognized” (of which, 92 were matters relating to libraries) and, after dividing these into 15 classifications based on their content, the author established 2,964 items in total (of which, 131 related to libraries and 2,833 to other matters). Based on these items, the author conducted a survey of the strengths and weaknesses of libraries by comparing library attributes and other matters. The author also attempted to analyze these strengths and weaknesses in light of the types of missions the respective junior colleges espoused. Results: The survey found that the strengths of libraries were: well-equipped facilities and equipment; support for learning and study; activities in cooperation with society, activities that contribute to the community, and support for student extracurricular activities; and support for graduates and cooperation with alumni associations. On the other hand, the survey found the weaknesses of libraries were: support for teachers’ educational activities; and enhancement of educational content and improvement in educational methodology. The survey did not find any characteristic relationship between the types of missions of the junior colleges and the strengths of libraries.
- Library and information science
Library and information science 79 1-19, 2018
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050282814040349184
- 120006716105
- AN00003152
- 03734447
- 029094813
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- 資料種別
- journal article
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles