A Study of the Effect of Parent Playcentre Participation in Japan and New Zealand

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  • 日本とニュージーランドにおけるプレイセンター参加者の活動効果に関する研究

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The purpose of this paper was investigate the effect of parents' Playcentre participation in Japan, and to compare the impact of different Japan and New Zealand Playcentre participants. The focus was on social networks, and theformation of trust and norm of reciprocity generating social capitals which operates to empower parents themselves, their families and communities. Japanese parents with preschool aged children in the Picasso Playcentre (Tokyo area) and Eniwa Playcentre (Hokkaido, the northern island of Japan) were interviewed. The findings are interpreted as follows: Japanese parents being involved in adult education and Playcentre activities was significantly associated with positive outcomes with regards to child-rearing attitudes and diverse other contemporary Japanese social problems. These were compared with Satoh's own research in New Zealand and findings from the NZPF commissioned research Powell et al. (2005), The Effect of Adult Playcentre Participation on the Creation of Social capital in Local Communities.1)




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