社会事業過渡期における小笠原修斉学園に関する一考察 : 東京府の島嶼感化事業の失敗の要因について


  • One consideration about Ogasawarashuusaigakuen in the social work transition period : About a factor of the failure of the islands reformatory work of the Tokyo prefecture
  • シャカイ ジギョウ カトキ ニ オケル オガサワラシュウセイガクエン ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ : トウキョウ フ ノ トウショカンカ ジギョウ ノ シッパイ ノ ヨウイン ニ ツイテ
  • シャカイ ジギョウ カトキ ニオケル オガサワラ シュウサイ ガクエン ニ カンスル イチコウサツ : トウキョウフ ノ トウショ カンカ ジギョウ ノ シッパイ ノ ヨウイン ニツイテ



In 1900, the influence method was established, and the setting of the correction school was required in each prefectures. In the Tokyo prefecture, I established prefectural Ogasawarashuusaigakuen in Ogasawara that was a place of remoteness while I did so it. As the reason that decided to establish the correction school on the ground called Ogasawara in this study, I inspected the actual situation such as the security of cheap work force other than a name called the influence education. And I decide to examine confirmation from the exchanges such as the letters which is which were slightly saved to Tokyo document building based on a precedent study about the reason that would close it in a short term called ten several years why.




  • 国際経営・文化研究

    国際経営・文化研究 19 (1), 51-59, 2015-03-01

    三芳町 (埼玉県) : 国際コミュニケーション学会

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