Additional List of Annamese Books in the Library of the Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (Hanoi)

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  • 河内仏国極東学院所蔵安南本追加目録
  • カワチ フツコク キョクトウ ガクイン ショゾウアンミナミホン ツイカ モクロク

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Annamese books in the library of the Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient are classified into three sections: A (Annamese books written in Chinese), AB (Annamese books written in chŭ-nôm), AC (Annamese editions of Chinese books). Lists of these books have been published in the Shigaku: A in 1934, AB and AC in 1938. This is the additional list of later acquisitions; A, AB and AC.The author is so grateful to Mr. L. Malleret, director of the Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient, and to Mr. M. Durand and Mr. Y. Hervouet, members of the same institute.


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