

  • ニイガタケン ウオヌマ チイキ ニ オケル ジキュウ シリョウ ノ セイサン ト リヨウ ガ ラクノウ ケイエイ ニ アタエタ コウカ
  • Economic impacts and effects on milk productivity of self-produced forage on commercial dairy farms in Uonuma, Japan



効率的な生乳生産のため、乳牛は遺伝的改良とともに、高栄養な飼料が多給されている。日本では、飼料の輸入依存度が高くなって久しい。一方、農業生産者の減少や耕作放棄地の拡大は歯止めがかからず、地域では鳥獣害や土砂災害などが増加している。食料生産基盤の安定化のために、耕畜連携の農業生産体系の再構築が望まれる。新潟県は日本最大の稲作地帯であり、稲作と並行して酪農を営む独特の体系が発達してきたが、稲作と酪農の相互の活用は薄く、粗飼料自給率は全国的に見ても低い。本研究では、平成21年(2009年)に新潟県魚沼地域で発足した、酪農家による粗飼料生産組合を事例として、地域の飼料自給率向上の可能性について、組織の概要、自給飼料の品質および自給飼料利用による乳牛の生産性および繁殖成績への影響を評価した。自給飼料利用前(2009年)と利用後(2011年)の状況を調査し、平成24年(2012年)に組合員を対象に、乳牛の繁殖成績のモニタリングを行った。自給飼料生産組合は個々の酪農経営とは独立して運営され、地元JA や関連機関と連携し、地元稲作農家と飼料利用目的の水稲栽培を契約し、飼料生産を行っていた。稲WCS およびコーンサイレージとも品質は良好で一般的な輸入飼料より安価で販売され、飼料コストが軽減していた。自給飼料利用による乳牛の生産性および繁殖成績への負の影響は見られなかった。組合組織による自給飼料生産は、酪農の収益性が高まるとともに、地域内の耕畜連携が推進され、地域の持続的な農業生産基盤の盤石化につながると考えられた。

Animal husbandry in Japan utilizes several techniques to efficiently produce dairy milk, including genetic modification of cows and the use of highly nutritious concentrate and forage. However, commercial feed is commonly used and there is a heavy dependence on imports. Niigata Prefecture, which has the country’s highest rice production, has a distinctive, improved agricultural practice where farmers pair rice production in paddy fields with milk production in barns. However, the field space for producing forage is relatively limited. To improve sustainability, it is necessary to design an organic and functional agricultural system for this rural area. Against this background, this study evaluated the economic impacts of selfproduction of forage by dairy farmers and the effects of self-forage on the productivity of dairy cows. The Forage Producer’s Association in Uonuma, Niigata Prefecture, was also examined. The aims of self-forage, a general overview of management practices, the quality of forage, and its cost performance were examined by a questionnaire distributed among members of the association and other involved persons in 2012. The effects of self-produced forage on the productivity and reproductive performance of dairy herds were evaluated by comparison with records for 2009. Five dairy farmers from the association participated, and administration of the association was independent of each farm. The association enters into contracts with local rice farms to produce paddy whole-crop silage, as well as corn silage in re-cultivated fields. The self-produced forage was of good quality and was provided to members at relatively low cost, resulting in lower feed costs. The cows maintained milk productivity when fed self-produced forage, and had good reproductive performance. Thus, we conclude that establishment of a local Forage Producer’s Association resulted in production of forage of sufficiently high quality and positively affected the feed costs, milk productivity, and reproductive performance of the dairy farms.


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