地域で生活する認知症の人のソーシャルサポートの検証 : 当事者の語りの分析から


  • チイキ デ セイカツ スル ニンチショウ ノ ヒト ノ ソーシャルサポート ノ ケンショウ : トウジシャ ノ カタリ ノ ブンセキ カラ
  • Investigating social support for people with dementia living in the community : An analysis of the narratives of them and their family members




This study investigates the ways of living and support expected by people with dementia by analyzing narratives of them and their family members. Further, it also examines the association between social connections of people with dementia and social support. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight people diagnosed with dementia along with their family members. Afterwards, a qualitative content analysis of the narratives was performed. Regarding the types of social connection that people with dementia experience, five categories were identified. These include how connected they were to: their family; care services; neighborhood; friends, relatives, or co-worker; and medical care. The results indicate that individuals with dementia received much support from family, specifically emotional and instrumental support. Their self-esteem increased due to living with their family for many years and maintaining pleasurable, positive interactions while undergoing care service. For such people, it is clear that their lives are safe and emotionally supported. Besides, the problem-solving ability and the social support network that the family cultivates directly impact the social support received by the person with dementia. The connection between people with dementia and society develops through the social support of family members and close supporters, affecting the stability of the person's life. To that end, it is necessary to support people's thoughts through productive communication that understands dementia and individual characteristics, and that makes full use of the family's network.



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