Miyake Kazuo's Views on Development and Early Childhood Education: Mainly from the Trajectory of his Early Research

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  • 三宅和夫の「発達観」「幼児教育観」:主に初期の研究の軌跡から
  • ミヤケ カズオ ノ 「 ハッタツカン 」 「 ヨウジ キョウイクカン 」 : オモニ ショキ ノ ケンキュウ ノ キセキ カラ

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The purpose of this study is to discover the "developmental view" and "view of early childhood education" from the numerous articles by Kazuo Miyake, one of Japan's leading developmental psychologists. By introducing the perspective of "the child as a social and historical being," Miyake saw developmental phenomena as dynamic rather than static. Miyake argued that early childhood education is an activity that is formed from the accumulation of interactions between childcare practices and families, and that organic collaboration between researchers and practitioners is necessary to improve these practices.


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