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- Relationship Between Sleepiness During Taking Classes and The Nighttime Sleep in University Students
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本研究の目的は,大学生の授業中の眠気と夜間の睡眠状況の関連性を,午前と午後の授業時間帯別に明らかにすることであった.対象は,本学リハビリテーション学部に所属する学生137 名であった.方法は,自己記入によるアンケート調査であり,午前・午後の授業中の眠気の有無を目的変数,夜間の睡眠状況,性別,授業への興味や関心,服薬中の薬剤,うつ症状を説明変数としてロジスティック回帰分析を行った.結果,午前の授業中の眠気は,就床時間が遅く(p<0.05),起床時間が遅い学生に生じやすかったが(p<0.05),午後の授業中の眠気は夜間の睡眠状況と関連しなかった(p>0.05).授業中に眠気を感じる学生に対して,夜間の睡眠環境の整備を行うよう指導する場合があるが,午後の授業中の眠気の予防には,夜間の睡眠環境の整備のみでは効果が得られない可能性がある.
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between sleepiness during taking classes and the nighttime sleep in university students. This study focused on sleepiness in the morning class and the afternoon class. 137 students in Seirei Christopher University, School of Rehabilitation Sciences were participated in this study. The method of this study was a selfadministered questionnaire. The statistical analysis was used as a logistic regression analysis. The objective variables were analyzed sleepiness in the morning and afternoon classes. The explanatory variables were analyzed nighttime sleep situations, sex, interests in the class, medication, and depressive symptoms. The result showed that the students who felt sleepiness in the morning class went bed significantly later (p <0.05) and significantly later in wake up time (p <0.05). Sleepiness during the afternoon class was not associated with nighttime sleep situations (p> 0.05). The professors sometimes instruct to the students who feel sleepy in class for improvement their sleep in the night. However, it may not be solved it for their afternoon class.
- リハビリテーション科学ジャーナル = Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences
リハビリテーション科学ジャーナル = Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences 15 13-20, 2020-03-31
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050285299803081216
- NII Article ID
- 120006865554
- NII Book ID
- AA12646078
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles