Characteristics of center of foot pressure sways in the standing-up and upright-position segments of sit-to-stand motion

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In this study, we aim to reveal the characteristics of center of foot pressure (COP) sways in standing up (segment AB) and upright position (segment CD) by measuring the COP during sit-to-stand motion. We included 19 women (aged 67 - 89 years) who were instructed to stand up from a chair, and the COP during the motion was recorded. Based on the recorded COP, the lateral and anterior-posterior COP sways relative to body height were calculated in segments AB and CD of the motion. COP sways relative to body height were significantly greater in segment AB than in segment CD in both lateral and anterior-posterior directions. No correlations were observed between segments AB and CD in COP sways relative to body height in the lateral or anterior-posterior directions. These results suggest that the ability to balance during sit-to-stand motion may be strengthened by practicing lateral and anterior-posterior COP movements in segment AB.


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