分光光度計によるプランクトン色素の研究―1 : アセトン抽出液における吸収曲線の型について

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  • Spectrophotometric investigation of the plankton pigments―I Spectral absorption curves of absolute acetone extracts of natural plankton collections

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Examined the results of investigation from April 20, 1959, to February 29, 1960, in a innermost part of Sasebo Bay (Sakibe Inlet), the Authors learned that the spectral absorption curves of absolute acetone extracts of natural plankton collections were divided into 3 types. The first is the most typical, the majority of collections belonging to this, blue and red maximum existing in 435mμ and 670mμ, and their ratio of absorbances being less than 4.0. The second was observed in collections that their relative quantity of xanthophyll to chlorophyll is large, blue and red maximum existing in 440~445mμ and 670mμ, respectively, and the ratio of absorbances being more than 4.0. Collections belonging to this type are not so many in a year cycle. The third are rather exceptional, the blue maximum being absent and red maximum 665~670mμ.Two preceedings concern to phytoplankton collections, the third being presumed due to the existence of copepods. Inaddition, the Authors asked for the spectral absorption curves of yellow pigments of acetone extracts from bottom mud and solved out from phytoplankton after preservation of net collection.


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