アコヤガイと環境水の流速との関係(補遺) : 環境水の流速がアコヤガイの貝殻運動と貝殻形成力とにおよぼす影響


  • アコヤガイ ト カンキョウスイ ノ リュウソク ト ノ カンケイ ホ カンキョウスイ ノ リュウソク ガ アコヤガイ ノ カイガラ ウンドウ ト カイガラ ケイセイリョク ト ニ オヨボス エイキョウ
  • Supplemental Report on the Relation between Pearl-Oysters (Pteria martensii) and the Current-Velocity of Environmental Waters : Effects of the Velocity of the Environmental Waters on the Motion of Shell-Opening and -Shutting and Shell-Regeneration



In the preceding paper, the authors reported the current velocity of 10~15cm/sec as the optimum for physiological activity of pearloysters. This value, however, is remarkably different from other author's (OTA: unpublished, and SAWADA, and was obtained during November and December, the activity during which being probably low. The authors, therefore, carried out the supplemental experiments during May and June on the motion of shell-opening and -shutting, and during September and October on the regeneration of shell-edge respectively, both terms probably having optimum temperature of 20°~22℃ for pearl-oysters. Results obtained are as follows: 1. In the case of 3-and 4-aged shells, the shell-opening was wider at the velocity of 10±0.5~12±0.5cm/sec, and then, there was clearly seen diurnal periodicity. 2. In the case of 3-aged shells, the regeneration of shell-edge was the most active at the velocity of 12±0.5cm/sec. 3. At the velocity of more than 15cm/sec, there was seen an abnormality in diurnal periodicity of the motion of shell-opening and -shutting; and shell regeneration abruptly decreased. From the results mentioned above, we assume that the physiological activity of pearl-oysters, 3- and 4-aged, is the most vigorous at the current-velocity of 10~12cm/sec, and abruptly becomes low at the current-velocity of more than 15cm/sec.

貝殻運動および貝殻形成力から,アコヤガイと環境水との関係を追試した. 1)3年貝と4年貝の各流速下における貝殻運動を比較した結果,10±0.5~12±0.5cm/secで開殻の幅が大きく,また明確な日週性が認められた. 2)3年貝を用い,その「ハサキ」再生重量から貝殻形成力を調べた結果では,12±0.5で最大値を示し,その前後で低下した. 3)15cm/sec以上では,貝殻運動の日週性に変調がみられ,貝殻形成力の急激な低下が認められた. 以上の結果から,10~12cm/sec程度の流速が,3~4年貝の場合には,その生活機能を活発にする流速で,15cm/sec以上で急激に機能は低下するものと推定した.

長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.20, pp.22-28; 1966


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