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  • ガイコクゴ キョウイク ニ オケル インプロヴィゼーション ノ ジッセンテキ カツヨウホウ : ゲーム ノ サンプンルイ ニ モトズク ジュギョウアン ノ テイジ
  • Practical Use of Improvisation in Second Language Education - Introduction of Lesson Plan with Three Types of Improvisation Games -

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Although it has been widely noticed that Improvisation Game (IG) has positive learning effects, it has not been used as useful tool in language education because a) most language instructors have no facilitating experience of IGs, and b) there are few studies clearly show how we can effectively utilize them in class. This study aims at a practical use of IGs, and has proposed that they should be divided into three types according to their learning effects. Following a brief introduction of IGs and the three-type categorization, this paper presents the procedure to make a lesson plan with IGs.


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