
  • ダイガク IR スイシン ジョウ ノ カダイ
  • Challenges in Implementing College Institutional Research



The Department of Institutional Research for Education in the Center for Educational Innovation and the Office of Institutional Research have been launched in Nagasaki University. This paper aims to figure out what problems Institutional Research activities have faced and consider how to address the issues. First, we needed to seek legal assistance in collecting and analyzing data including personally identifiable information. Also, ethical consideration is significant to use the data. Regarding this, we need to define what data should be used for university improvement. Third, the understanding of students and cooperation with each secretariat and department are needed. Moreover, we have to develop the rule of authorization for data usage for educational improvement. In addition, rethinking what surveys are really needed for IR activities is significant; otherwise, tons of research could steal time from classes. Finally, I suggest the need of qualitative research as well as quantitative analyses for educational improvement, referring Ishii’s argument (2015). Especially for improving individual educational practices, action research could be useful in order to assist each faculty members’ research-based teaching.


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