Measures to Expand Sales of Rice for Commercial Use to Maintain Rice Consumption

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  • 米の消費量維持に向けた道産業務用米の取引拡大方策
  • コメ ノ ショウヒリョウ イジ ニ ムケタ ミチ サンギョウム ヨウマイ ノ トリヒキ カクダイ ホウサク

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The purpose of this paper is to illustrate strategies for selling rice grown in Hokkaido for commercial use, strategies which would contribute to preventing decreases in consumption of rice. We conclude廿om three analyses that to increase sales of rice for commercial use, selling schemes require there to be fixed prices, for the long-term and to ensure stability based on collaboration between farmers and wholesalers. The first step to be accomplished is recognizing differences of how rice for commercial use is envisioned between the two.


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