Life Rhythms Changes in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease between before and after Discharge from a Hospital : Two Case Studies

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  • 女性の急性心筋梗塞患者と待機的経皮的冠動脈インターベンション患者の退院前後の活動リズム変化-2 症例の考察-
  • ジョセイ ノ キュウセイ シンキン コウソク カンジャ ト タイキテキ ケイヒテキ カンドウミャク インターベンション カンジャ ノ タイイン ゼンゴ ノ カツドウ リズム ヘンカ 2 ショウレイ ノ コウサツ

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This case study aimed to clarify changes of daily activity rhythm, during about two weeks between before and after hospital discharge, of woman patient with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) whose symptoms were stabilized and woman patient who undertook the elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) treatment. Two female patients of around 60 years of age under stable disease conditions were selected. The search procedure was to measure the activity rhythm of daily living for seven days from the four days before hospital discharge by using the wristwatch type acceleration sensor (Actigraphy). While measuring data, subjects have kept the life diary. The time, the average amount of physical exertion, the body motion activity index, and the body motion acceleration index were analyzed with special software from Up Interval. These data were compared the mean value of at the time of hospital admission and after discharge. Also, change rate was compared at the discharged from hospital with during three days before discharging hospital as standard value. As a result, compared with standard value, the average amount of physical exertion of patient with AMI has gradually decreased on every explored day after hospital discharge, and the average amount of physical exertion has increased during hospital stay. The body motion acceleration index was also lower than the standard value, and it suggested that slow activity was done after the hospital discharge. On the other hand, the average amount of physical exertion of the patient with PCI has increased on every explored day after the hospital discharge, and patient had done a continuous activity since in hospital. It was considered that there was difference in activity rhythm between the patient with AMI and the patient with PCI.


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