Writing Activity Using a Silent Animated Film in an EFL Classroom


  • 無声アニメーション映画(DVD)を使用したライティング指導について




Objectives : The present study aimed to clarify whether the use of using a silent animated film during a writing activity can improve students' imagination and to determine the practical effectiveness of learning fundamental writing skills and rules before the writing activity. Method : After receiving basic instruction on English essay-writing, students were asked to watch a silent animated film and then write a review of the film. Students were then asked to exchange papers with a peer and read one another's work. Results : Many students were able to write a film review using the basic writing skills and rules they had learned before the activity. However, although some students made insightful and imaginative comments in their reviews, others were not able to finish writing their reviews without the help of translation software. Conclusions : The present findings indicate that basic instruction on English writing is effective when provided to students immediately before a writing activity . Moreover, using a silent film in the present writing activity gave students the opportunity to use their imagination. In addition, by sharing the same story, students were able to maintain good rapport with one another. Lastly, teachers need to show their students how to use translation software appropriately, as the convenience of such technology may hamper students' imagination and creativity. Movie-based learning activities represent one way to instill positive attitudes towards learning English while reinforcing the use of imagination and creativity in writing.



群馬県立県民健康科学大学紀要 6,85-91,2011


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